My Film Premiere with AMC Theaters

Bringing "Unseen Peaks" to AMC Theaters

When I first started working on Unseen Peaks, I knew it had the potential to be something special. The documentary follows the journey of Addie, a blind adventurer who overcomes both physical and emotional challenges in the pursuit of freedom through skiing, ice climbing, and rock climbing. It’s a film that highlights resilience, inclusivity, and the power of the human spirit in the outdoors. What I didn’t foresee was that this film would eventually land a spot on the big screen in AMC theaters across the United States. It’s a dream come true, and the process of getting there has been an exhilarating ride.

The Beginning of Unseen Peaks

"Unseen Peaks" was born from a desire to tell stories that are often overlooked in the adventure filmmaking world. In the outdoor industry, we frequently see stories of triumphs and summits, but rarely do we explore those who have to overcome additional layers of adversity to access the outdoors. For Addie, being blind is just one part of her identity. She’s an adventurer, a fighter, and someone who pushes the limits in an environment that wasn’t designed for people like her.

From the moment I met Addie, I knew her story needed to be shared on a larger scale. Through our conversations, I learned about her struggles not just with the physical challenges of outdoor sports but also with gaining acceptance in a community that is often unintentionally exclusive. It was clear that the world needed to hear this story—not just for Addie, but for others facing similar barriers in life and the outdoors.

The Creative Process Behind the Film

Making Unseen Peaks was a deeply personal project. It wasn’t just about showcasing Addie’s incredible athletic feats, but also about diving into the emotions, trauma, and resilience that she had developed throughout her life. We filmed over months, capturing moments of vulnerability and triumph as she took on both the physical and societal barriers in the climbing and skiing communities.

I worked as the director, producer, cinematographer, and editor on this film. It was a labor of love that required me to pour every ounce of creativity and energy I had into bringing this story to life. Some of the most powerful moments in the film were the unscripted, intimate conversations we had while out in the wilderness. Addie spoke candidly about her frustrations with being underestimated and her determination to break down barriers for herself and others in the disabled community.

But alongside these conversations, we captured breathtaking scenes of her conquering steep ice walls, skiing in the rockies, and climbing some fun new rock faces. The juxtaposition of her candidness with her incredible feats was what made the story so compelling.

A Partnership with Mountainfilm and AMC Theaters

As the film began to take shape, I started submitting Unseen Peaks to various film festivals, including Mountainfilm. Mountainfilm, known for its dedication to inspiring documentaries focused on outdoor adventure, social justice, and cultural awareness, was the perfect home for Unseen Peaks. The film was accepted into the festival, and it received incredible feedback from audiences who connected deeply with Addie’s story.

What came next was beyond my wildest dreams. Mountainfilm, in collaboration with AMC Theaters, REI Co-op Studios, and the Mountainfilm Fundraising Series, offered Unseen Peaks the opportunity to be screened across AMC theaters in the United States. It was an initiative aimed at bringing outdoor and adventure films to a wider audience, expanding beyond the niche festival circuit and into mainstream theaters.

The partnership between Mountainfilm and AMC Theaters is truly groundbreaking. Typically, outdoor documentaries are confined to film festivals, where only a small, specialized audience gets the chance to experience them. But through this initiative, adventure films like Unseen Peaks have the opportunity to be shared with a much broader audience. The collaboration between AMC, REI, and Mountainfilm is opening doors for filmmakers like myself to reach viewers who may have never attended a film festival but are passionate about compelling, inspiring stories.

What It Means to Screen at AMC Theaters

Seeing Unseen Peaks on the big screen is a surreal experience. For any filmmaker, the idea of walking into a movie theater and watching your work projected onto a massive screen, with surround sound and a room full of strangers, is a dream come true. But this was more than just a personal milestone—it felt like a huge win for inclusive storytelling in the outdoor industry.

Screening at AMC Theaters means the message of Unseen Peaks will reach thousands of people across the country. It’s not just outdoor enthusiasts who will see this film; it’s people from all walks of life, including those who might have never considered the challenges faced by disabled adventurers in the outdoors. This exposure has the potential to spark important conversations about inclusivity and accessibility in the outdoor industry.

The impact of this partnership cannot be understated. By making films like Unseen Peaks accessible to a broader audience, we’re elevating the voices of people like Addie, whose stories have the power to change perspectives and inspire change. For me as a filmmaker, this is the ultimate goal—to create stories that matter and that resonate with audiences on a deep, emotional level.

Behind the Scenes of the AMC Deal

The road to getting Unseen Peaks in AMC theaters wasn’t a straight path. It involved months of discussions with Mountainfilm, REI, and AMC, working through logistics, marketing plans, and finalizing the distribution deal. One of the most exciting aspects of the collaboration is the opportunity to engage with new audiences who may not be familiar with the festival circuit.

The distribution through AMC is part of a broader initiative by Mountainfilm and REI to bring outdoor films to a mainstream audience. This move represents a major shift in how adventure films are shared, making them more accessible and allowing more people to experience the thrill of these stories in an immersive theater setting.

As someone who typically self-distributes films or shares them through niche platforms, this experience has been eye-opening. It’s a reminder that adventure filmmaking is not just for those already in the community—it’s for everyone. By partnering with AMC, we’ve been able to expand the reach of these stories and get more people excited about the outdoors and the diverse individuals who make it their playground.

The Power of Storytelling in Adventure Films

At the core of Unseen Peaks is the power of storytelling. Addie’s story isn’t just about summiting mountains or conquering ice walls—it’s about overcoming internal barriers, societal expectations, and finding freedom in places others said she couldn’t go. Through her journey, we see the human spirit in its purest form: resilient, determined, and full of hope.

This is the kind of storytelling that draws me to filmmaking. There’s something incredibly powerful about sharing a story that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. Adventure films have a unique ability to do this because they combine stunning visuals with emotional journeys, creating an experience that resonates with people on multiple levels.

Unseen Peaks is more than just a documentary about climbing and skiing. It’s a testament to the importance of representation, inclusivity, and breaking down the barriers that prevent people from accessing the outdoors. By sharing Addie’s story on the big screen, we’re opening up a dialogue about how we can make the outdoor community more welcoming and accessible to everyone.

What’s Next for Unseen Peaks

As Unseen Peaks continues its journey through AMC theaters, I’m excited to see how audiences across the country will react. This is just the beginning. I hope this opportunity opens more doors for inclusive outdoor storytelling, allowing even more voices to be heard.

For me, this film has already surpassed all expectations. It’s screened at major film festivals, been nominated for an Emmy, and now, it’s playing in theaters across the country. But beyond the accolades, the real reward is hearing from viewers who connected with Addie’s story. People who were moved to think differently about accessibility in the outdoors, and who were inspired to push their own boundaries—whether physical, mental, or societal.

The AMC partnership has been a game-changer, and I hope it’s a sign of more to come for the adventure filmmaking community. For now, I’ll continue sharing the story of Unseen Peaks with anyone willing to listen, and I look forward to the day when every adventurer, regardless of ability, has a place in the outdoor community.

Unseen Peaks is now playing in AMC theaters across the U.S. as part of the Mountainfilm and REI Co-op Studios collaboration. If you haven’t seen it yet, I encourage you to experience Addie’s powerful story on the big screen. It’s a film about overcoming adversity, challenging expectations, and finding freedom in the wild—lessons that resonate far beyond the mountains.

Let’s Connect

Roo is a Emmy nominated documentary filmmaker and photographer based in Boulder, Colorado but travels all around the world for his filmmaking career. He has directed documentaries for Patagonia in California, produced films for Outside Magazine throughout Europe and Africa, camera operated for Netflix in the Rocky Mountain West, photographed among indigenous communities in South America, and has received notable recognition in his hometown of Orcas Island in Washington State for his work telling uplifting stories in the outdoor space.

Roo Smith