I Got Nominated For An Emmy

The story of how I got nominated for an Emmy is not just about recognition. It’s about passion, persistence, and the incredible support I’ve had of from my community that has defined my career. In this article, I’ll share the detailed journey that brought me to this pivotal moment, exploring the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

The Beginning: Surfing and Filmmaking

It all began 10 years ago when I was just 17, making surf videos with a GoPro and two best friends who loved to surf. We spent countless hours riding the waves in Wales, capturing every thrilling moment on camera. After a few years, I compiled all that footage into what I ambitiously called a documentary. It was a fun, experimental project that sparked my passion for filmmaking.

In the summer between high school and college, my obsession with adventure films grew. I immersed myself in watching and making videos, laying the foundation for my future career. As a freshman at Colorado College, I landed an internship with the Communications Department, making videos that depicted student life. This opportunity gave me access to better gear and the chance to hone my skills.

By my sophomore year, I had established a small video production company, pitching brands and rapidly expanding my expertise. Upon graduating, I faced a crucial decision: follow a stable career in Foreign Affairs, leveraging my fluency in Arabic and Spanish and my political science degree, or dive headfirst into the unpredictable world of filmmaking. I chose the latter, driven by the impact my films were already having.

Early Professional Challenges and Breakthroughs

The first year was a mix of promo videos, adventure weddings, and editing gigs. Nothing spectacular happened until the COVID-19 pandemic, which, paradoxically, opened new doors. With travel restrictions in place, local productions became the norm. I seized this chance, assisting on several Netflix and HBO projects while continuing my documentary work on the side.

One significant turning point was the creation of "The Goat Surf Club." This documentary about getting trapped in Morocco with my original surfing buddies caught the attention of Outside TV, elevating my status as a director. More opportunities followed, leading to collaborations with notable brands and the creation of several successful documentaries.

The Year of Growth and New Challenges

By 2022, my career had truly taken off. I worked with local professional athletes and prestigious brands, creating documentaries that were not only personally fulfilling but also financially rewarding. This success cycle—where passion projects led to more client work and vice versa—allowed me to establish myself firmly in the industry.

However, reaching the pinnacle of my initial goals left me feeling surprisingly empty. Having achieved everything I set out to do, I struggled with a sense of purposelessness. To combat this, I set a new, ambitious goal: to win an Emmy. In 2023, I focused on creating three documentaries—"Canopy Climbers," "The Summit Within," and "Unseen Peaks." All three performed well at film festivals, but "Unseen Peaks" particularly resonated with audiences.

The Emmy Nomination

In early 2024, I received the news that "Unseen Peaks" had been nominated for an Emmy in the category of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This project was largely a solo endeavor - I directed, produced, filmed, and edited it myself. It was a testament to what I could achieve when driven by passion and dedication, reminiscent of my early days making surf videos with a GoPro.

The Emmy ceremony felt like a significant milestone. My sister, brother-in-law, partner Mallory, and my mom all joined me, making it a family celebration. My sister steamed my suit, my brother-in-law captured behind-the-scenes footage, and we all shared in the excitement as we headed to Denver for the gala.

As I stood on the red carpet in my black-tie suit, I reflected on the incredible journey that had brought me here. From surfing in Wales to navigating the complexities of the film industry, every step had been part of a larger narrative. Although I didn't win the Emmy, the experience was deeply fulfilling.

Post-Ceremony Reflections

Driving home in the rain, I allowed myself to feel the full spectrum of emotions. Despite not winning, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey and the people who had supported me along the way. My family even set up a mini celebration at home, complete with a homemade Emmy nomination award crafted by my brother-in-law.

Standing there, surrounded by my loved ones, I realized that the true reward wasn't the Emmy itself but the sense of community and support that had made my journey possible. This realization reinforced my commitment to storytelling and my gratitude for the incredible life I lead.

More Than Just Awards

The journey to an Emmy nomination was about more than just an award. It was about following my passion, telling meaningful stories, and connecting with inspiring individuals. It was about the places I've been, the adventures I've had, and the lessons I've learned.

As I look to the future, my goal remains to create impactful films that resonate with audiences and to continue growing as a filmmaker. Whether or not I win an Emmy next year, the journey itself is the greatest reward.

Thank You

To everyone who has supported me, encouraged me, and believed in my vision—thank you. This journey is ours, and together, we will continue to tell stories that inspire, uplift, and bring joy to the world.

Roo Smith